Monday, July 6, 2009

things that make you go hmmm?

So, my favorite brand of bread is Aunt Millie bread. You can find Aunt Millie bread just about everywhere and it comes in a variety of types/flavors - wheat, potato, sour dough, white, italian, etc.

Well, when we started our milk-free journey I was much disappointed to find that my Aunt Millie bread contained milk products...all varieties, bummer!

But then...

My husband found that some stores carry Aunt Mille bread from "Perfection Bakery" and if the Aunt Millie bread came from Perfection Bakery there were NO milk products. And, that seems to be across the board for all bread, bun products...if it is stamped Perfection Bakery, then there is no milk.


How can that be so? Isn't the Aunt Millie bread a certain recipe that each bakery follows no matter which bakery bakes it?

Apparently not...very interesting...very interesting indeed!

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