Sunday, July 12, 2009

miracle book

I'm still reading Aspergers: What does it mean to me? and I haven't even begun to work with boy with the workbook...there's just so much info to absorb and honestly I'm not yet ready to tell him that he has this condition? disability? What do we even call it? I'm sure I will end up with just "thing"..."So, you have this thing..." hmm...

How would I tell him he had an ear infection? "You have an ear infection, you need to take antibiotics."

So how about, "You have Aspergers, but don't worry, there's no medicine you need to take for it." I'm sure he will just be like "ok cool, what is it? Alright then."

Anyway, the book touches on so many important topics, providing information for him to read about each AND providing strategies to help him deal with the various issues associated with Aspergers. I am very excited to start working with him with this book!!


  1. I never thought about telling him. I guess he does have to know. I feel for you as a mom. Has to be so hard every day. Love you xoxo

  2. Yeah he has to know and he kind of knew a little bit because he heard us talking about it, especially with all of the doctors we have been seeing recently. I think deep down he knows he is different.

    Love you! Miss you!!
