Wednesday, July 1, 2009

sensory therapy session 1

"Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it."~ Buddha

Today's sensory therapy was great! We started off doing more testing:
  1. line up plastic pennies and then pick them up with his right hand and put them into a cup on his left side, all while timed.
  2. pick up small pegs with his right hand and put them into peg holes while timed.
  3. take mixed up cards (some red squares, some blue circles) and separate the cards into two piles, with his right hand only while timed.
  4. thread a shoelace through wooden block beads while timed.
  5. jumping jacks
things to work on at home:
  1. play card games - simply flipping the cards over (for example dealing cards) helps build the hand dexterity.
  2. one handed sorting - practice taking something from the right, with your right hand, and putting it into a cup on your left.
We also did some time in the playroom, working on the swings and ladders. Next week we won't have a session because we will be out of town, but the week after that we are going to start with a little more testing, visual perception I believe she said.

Basically she stated that he has coordination, gross & fine motor, auditory and tactile sensory issues. When she gets to know him a little better, she will start him on therapeutic listening.

This is by far the most exciting time in our life! We are finally getting answers. We are finally getting somewhere!!

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