Tuesday, June 16, 2009

milk is taking over the world!

I cannot believe how difficult it is to find milk free products! We are surviving...cannot believe I thought the milk free would be the easiest to do!

My pediatrician ordered a whole panel of blood tests for my son, including a celiac disease test. We should get those results soon, but reading the symptoms of celiac disease he only has two of the symptoms - bathroom issues and irritability.

Boy is doing very well with the diet though. I am so proud of him. Before he eats anything, he will ask "does it have milk?"

He really enjoys the soy milk in his cereal...I still won't try it! Tonight I made him milk free pizza using soy cheese...he ate the whole thing. WOOT!

At the same time I am battling the fact that he lost 3lbs since March, which may not seem like a big deal except that he looked skeletal to begin with in March. He is 100th % for height and 90% for weight, the doctor says he is fine, but is concerned that he did lose weight (I think it was because of noise issues in the lunchroom during school, he would not eat). So, I am goal oriented to fatten him up a little this summer!!

I will try to document some of the milk free foods that we have found that he will eat -- he is a SUPER picky eater, so if he will eat something, then anyone would eat it!

Thanks for your comments on my last post! It is nice to see that people are following and have been struggling with the same issues. We are not alone!


  1. Nope! Not alone! and we had Soy cheese pizza tonight too!

  2. again, I was far too frightened to try it!
