Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Just received this interesting information from a fellow mom friend, Betsy.

Up to 50% of autism kids test positive for pyroluria, her pediatrician had never even heard of it. Basically it sounds like it causes too much Kryptopyrrole in the blood which leads to a dramatic decrease in zinc and B-6. Some of the symptoms that I read were: poor tolerance of physical and emotional stress, mood swings, depression, sensitivity to light, noise and other tactile sensitivities.

If interested you can ask your pediatrician to run a Kryptopyrrole test done via urine. Betsy's son's levels were indeed elevated.

I will keep everyone posted if I hear anything more on this and I plan on having boy's levels tested as well.

Some interesting reads:

Thank you again Betsy for sharing this information!!!


  1. Thank you for posting this! I've never heard of it, but it makes so much sense. I'll be having my boys tested, for sure.

    Lisa @
    All That and a Box of Rocks

  2. Thank you for the information! This is great, and I'll definitely have to get some testing done. There's so much history with ASD and B-6 therapy, it might show a relationship. I look forward to hearing if you have any progress with this.

  3. 98% of Drs know zero re Pyroluria. Almost everyone wrongly believes it to be Genetic. It is a multi-resistant infection aggravated by diet. It is easily & quickly interrupted & slowly reversed with a natural food therapy, & vitamins help. Google "Pyroluria Infection."

  4. ooh thank you all for your comments!

  5. Pyroluria is a serious potential complication of Autism. Thankfully it is Not genetic but a common, easily treated, multi-resistant opportunistic Infection. Pyroluria causes the body to urinate out B6 & Zinc which interferes with neurotransmitter manufacture & function.
    The outstanding & most troubling result is mild to severe Chronic Anxiety.
    This would explain the difficult behavior issues seen in some Autistic children such as repetitive behaviors, head banging, irritability, quick temper, easily frustrated, intolerance of noise,& more.
    Pyroluria can be treated with vitamin supplementation & also by slowly reversing the condition by addressing the infection. The most easily recognized physical symptoms are fine lines running the length of the nail, crowded teeth, & dry skin.
    It is very beneficial to aggressively treat a child with Pyroluria before puberty whenever possible not only because of emotional issues but Zinc deficiency can also cause bone growth, connective tissue, & immune system problems.
    Of course anyone can develop Pyroluria. It is the most common undiagnosed (medically ignored)cause of Chronic Anxiety problems such as Panic attacks, Phobias, ADD, Insomnia, & behaviors such as Sex addiction, & Alcoholism. These last two groups are medicating their Anxiety.
    Sorry, for the lengthy comment, this comes under the heading of "Don't get me started."

  6. Wow Mike55, thank you so much for the information! Do you know someone who tested positive for Pyroluria? And, if so, did you find these treatments to truly be beneficial? So many times we read about treatments that supposedly are "guaranteed" to work, but are hesitant to try them for fear that they have not really been tested, what may the side effects be, etc. I know I fall into this category!

    Thank you again for sharing. I am going to follow up with Betsy to find out how the course of treatment is going with her son.

  7. And actually, I checked out your blog, Mike55, and see that you really do know what you are talking about when it comes to Pyroluria!

    Check it out group: http://www.55fix.com/
