Sunday, August 30, 2009

school, school, I love school

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. ~ Albert Einstein

School starts tomorrow. I have high anxiety about it this year. The start of last year boy cried everyday for 2 months. It was a very difficult time for him and we found over the weekend that the majority of the boys from last year are now in a different class so he has a bunch of boys he really doesn't know. Anxiety is high for him too so I'm trying really hard to not let him see how I'm feeling.

So, we will see what happens tomorrow. We are doing therapeutic listening now everyday...I'll have a whole separate blog about that, probably tomorrow. I think I will brush him in the morning too to help ease his stress level.

All of my charts are in line, we should be set to start another fabulous year. Honestly, as much as I hate the fact they have to go back to school, school is really what helps regulate his moods because there is a constant routine that deviates very little from day to day. School provides a better routine than I can ever do on my own so I know it is good for him. I just wish they could stay home with us forever...they grow up too fast. It is sad!!

So, wish us luck for tomorrow...thankfully it is just a half day.


  1. Good luck. It's very hard, we are only as happy as our unhappiest child is. Just have to hang in there and count the days, hope for a good friend. Use your charts, your tricks, deep breaths. Cry if you need to when they aren't looking. You have him in a good school. I hope the teacher is awesome and I'm praying for our quirky little boy. And Samantha too! I'm so sorry for you that summer is over. blah. But it's good to have the whole week of school, Delilah started on Thursday and then had the two day break, wasn't good. I think a Monday start is good.

    Delilah told me tonight she wasn't going to cry tomorrow. I'm gonna hold her to it. I think.

    I love you.


  2. Aww thank you so much for the well wishes! I am such a believer in positive thinking and have been really pushing positive thinking on him the last couple of weeks and it helped (so far!). I think the added power of everyone else's hope for us has been helped tremendously!! We are very fortunate to have such wonderful friends keeping us in their thoughts, love you guys!

    So no tears for Delilah yesterday...what about today? Did Daisy cry just to try to prove to Delilah that it's the cooler way to go? lol

    As much as I hate (and you hate) the tears and the saddness they are experiencing, we have to cherish these moments as moms, albeit secretly, because before we know it they won't cry for us anymore...they will push us away and sneak away from a kiss, and it will be then that I am truly heartbroken!!

    I willingly admit to the fact that I enjoy being the person who is a comfort to them! -- selfish parenting 101 :)

    Love you and good luck in your journey! I am very glad that our journeys are still intertwined together even though they are from a distance!!
