Monday, August 24, 2009

I detest the word "cure"

Ok, the next few lines of my blog may horribly offend many people, but that is in no way my intent. I am speaking only on behalf of my son with Aspergers and if my son were not so "high functioning" I may not at all agree with my opinions here...

So, here it goes.

I am so sick of hearing about how Jenny McCarthy "cured" her autistic son. The reason I am so sick of hearing about this is that I hate the term "cure, curing, cured". Cure, curing, cured makes it sound like it is a disease. And again I am only speaking on behalf of my aspie son when I say this, but for me his Aspergers, which is classified under the term autism, is not a disease. It is who he is. It is just who he is. I have no desire to cure him of it, it is what makes him the quirky little guy that he is. I do have a desire to help him situate himself in the world where everyone else is so "normal" (another term that I DESPISE). But I do not at all hope to cure him. I hope to take his amazing skills and talents and development them into something that works for him.

The word cure just grates on my nerves. Let's not let our children believe that they need to be cured of this disease, let's not let them believe they have a disease. Let's let them know that they are different, as everyone is different, and we are not working towards a cure, but working towards making them the best people they can be.

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