Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Our issues

I have a girlfriend from highschool that I met up with who does vision therapy for autistic children and offered to give us some ideas, tips, help with the issues we are dealing with. So, I compiled a list of what we are dealing with in hopes that she will have some magic dust that will help us with these issues...wishful thinking, I know! But anyway, here it is.

headaches from noise
noise sensitivity
focus issues
lack of eye contact
poor handwriting/coloring
loud talker
easily frustrated
anxiety/worries a lot
has a hard time making friends
doesn't understand sarcasm
doesn't understand joking
everything is black & white, there is no gray area, everything is very literal
can't bear the thought of himself or anyone breaking the rules
lack of imaginative play
doesn't engage in play with other kids
toileting issues - has to have complete quiet, door locked, no clothes on
messy eater - has to touch everything
when he gets frustrated he instantly goes into a "self-hating" mode where he says that he is stupid, his brain is stupid, etc.

1 comment:

  1. I just found your site from an Asperger's search. We have a 10 year old son with Asperger's and he went through about 3/4 of your list too. Luckily, our son benefitted greatly from our school's OT, speech therapist and social workers.
    I'm glad you found out about firm pressure. We tried a weighted vest when our son was younger.
    Some things may not change but there is hope for many Asperger's challenges. Don't stop searching for what works for your son.
