Tuesday, January 4, 2011

make a profound impact on your children....

....teach them kindness.

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle" ~ Plato

Boy asked me not long ago if he would "always be weird like this, will my Aspergers always make me weird like this?". Apparently there were some kids questioning his "weirdness" and asking him what was wrong with him. I'm still not entirely sure what the best response is to him, other than reassuring him that he is by no means "weird".

As a parent I am pretty sure there is nothing more heart-breaking to hear from your child than the fact that someone they know is teasing them. Where do children learn this? Am I naive to think that my children are not following the "cult" and picking on or belittling other children? ...because I am pretty confident in my heart of hearts that they are not; they are kind, sweet kids...but I'm pretty sure everyone feels that way about their kids, so the question is....where are children learning this behavior?

I suppose there are many sources that this behavior is coming from, but we must all also look at ourselves and determine if the behaviors we are displaying to our children are "role model" material. Think twice before you speak negatively in front of your kids, use everyday as an opportunity to teach them kindness, to show them the impact a kind gesture/word can have on someone and most importantly, PLEASE teach your children that EVERYONE is different in their own way and that is OK. If we were all the same we would all be boring!

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