Monday, August 2, 2010

Captain Underpants - sensory delight?

"Our brightest blazes of gladness are commonly kindled by unexpected sparks." ~ Samual Johnson

Everytime that I have seen the Captain Underpants books I have thought, "Who would let their kids read a book about a superhero in underpants with villians named things like Professor PoopyPants?". My boy is now 8 years old and the books totally make sense to me!

What other way to get a kid to crave reading than to give them a book filled with the weird things boys obsess about (or at least my boy!). He cannot put the first book down, which is excellent AND he is comprehending! I pretty much expected these results though...I figured the books would become an obsession due to their content.

However, what I did not expect to find was a cute little sensory "game". Flip-O-Rama -- basically there are instructions you follow (1 sensory point), you hold one page down with the left hand and flip the right page quickly with your thumb and forefinger on your right hand (12 sensory points here!), all the while watching the image on the right pages and focusing your eyes until you see both images become animated (at least another 12 sensory points there!).

When we first tried it, I couldn't get him to close his thumb and forefinger around the page on his own...he was totally confused as to what we were trying to do. Once he figured it out he thought it was so cool and taught his sister how to do it as well.

Super cute, super cute!

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